Progress II: Hand Carving in Pixels

Hey there, this is my second progress post about this assignment. I just tackled the seat as well as a couple other components, the seat was definitely the hardest though.
To break the task down I decided to put a piece of tape across the front. this gave me both accurate points to measure its width, and as you can see, an accurate place to measure the front and back to. With the resulting cross I could easily create the strange rounded shape of the seat, and fairly accurately, with just a few arcs and the mirror function. although there's no photo I'm using the same method right now on the armrests as well. This was, however, a really small part of actually rendering the seat in rhino. Because of the hand-craved nature of the top, and the entirely irregular fillet around the whole piece, getting an accurate model built was pretty incredibly difficult. 

to model the place where one would actually sit, I used networkSrf, took me a couple tries but it worked. the real issues came from trying to fillet the resulting shape. because of how the original shape met up with the network surface, the fillets all failed. I tried building the fillets first, using cross sections and a guide rail, but it never met up properly. so instead, I realized that the failed fillet still creates a somewhat usable shape, so I just started playing around with one on the front of the chair, as you can see in the picture. it worked out great. On the back however the overlap ended up being really awkward, I think because of the fact the edge rounded a full corner. to work around this I extruded the fillet surface, capped in with EdgeSrf, and made a new shape for a boolean difference. 
The whole process was pretty finicky, but, in the end, I got what I wanted. a subtly defined seat to sit in. 


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