This week in my designing

while this week was supposed to be all about concept generation, I actually have a lot of other things on the go within the scope of 3D design. So, instead of just putting in what was mandatory for the class, I thought I would tell you about all of the the things I'm up to. Here goes.

In my photography class, I am turning a ski boot into a camera. and I need to cut pieces of film for it in complete darkness. so yesterday I designed a cute lil paper jig to help me do that without losing some of my fingers. it looks like this.
after that I needed user friendly, light tight boxes for the film so that I can transport it and use it on location. I made a larger box with a taped lid, but there was no way of knowing if the tape fully blocked out the light. So instead of this, I made two sets of small little nesting boxes that fit inside one another to completely block out all light and keep my film safe. I needed two so that I could keep the used film separate and organised away from the fresh film, and in order to do that they are both coded with little roman numerals that I can feel without seeing. They both look like this. 

And lastly, and I haven't actually produced this yet, I need a way to develop my beautiful photos. Because traditionally film is developed in a reel, there isn't really a developed method of developing the single cut pieces of film that I will be using in my boot, so I am developing one. more accurately, I am simply redesigning the reel that already exists...

so that it can hold individual pieces of film instead of a whole reel. then I will 3D print this to scale, after that I'm of to the races ( ski races that is, to take photographs). 

Beyond this unique endeavour, I have a few concepts generated for this weeks assignment. I have a teacup.
a modern teacup. 
a pawn.
and lastly this neat little milk carton. 
Beyond these concepts, I also really want to see an object go from super low poly to ultra-high definition. although I have not made a model of this yet, I feel that this will likely be a strong contender moving forward into collaborations. Anyway that is what I have been up to this week i respects to designing things. stay tuned. 


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